Trolling for the Toughest 4x4 Spots in/around Death Valley

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Posted by Last Chance Rand on March 14, 2002 at 02:05:23:

In my opinion, the three toughest 4x4 spots in Death Valley National Park are:

#1. the waterfall in North Fork of Echo Canyon
#2. the staircase in Dedecker Canyon on Steel Pass trail
#3. the boulders on the east side of Mengel Pass

Three toughest 4x4 spots in immediate vacinity of DVNP:

#1. Isham Canyon, the new Surprise Canyon (RIP); requires lockers, winch, short wheelbase, and (David W. -- get this...) soft-tops only!
#2. Stone Canyon's three (or four, depends on how you look at it) waterfalls
#3. Happy Canyon's three waterfalls
#4. On the Panamint Loop Trail, the riparian zone of Pleasant Canyon, and lower South Park

4x4 Spots in and around DVNP at which I thought I was going to die:

#1. my first time over the Lippencott Road
#2. my first time around Chicken Rock in South Park Canyon
#2. one minute later, my first time over the log bridge in South Park Canyon
#3. descending lower South Park Canyon alone and in the dark, and for the first time since #2 & #3 above many years ago, just after being rearranged by a narly summer storm

* Please reply with only recognized and legal routes, and tread lightly. Thanx!

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