Re: Death Valley Info needed!

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Posted by Mark Micchio on June 03, 2002 at 12:20:27:

In Reply to: Death Valley Info needed! posted by Blair on May 29, 2002 at 21:56:02:

I concur with what's already been said regarding lodging. We used to splurge on Stovepipe because it was right in the center of thepark, but now we always camp or stay in Beatty. We make the drive into Death Valley from Beatty more interesting by taking the Titus Canyon Road, or hiking the mine and spring trails on the way.

As far as hiking goes, nightime might be the righttime. It will still be plenty hot, even overnight. You may want to consider spending some time at the higher elevations around Mahogany Flat, as well as Dante's Peak. Unfortunately, the moon will be largely absent during your visit, so you'll miss the full moon on the sand dunes, which makes a great hike and photo opp.

As far as photo opps go, the dunes at sunset and especially sunrise are great. Oblique sunset shots are good in the Golden Canyon and Red Cathedral area, as well as Ubehebe Crater. Try oblique sunrise at Zabriskie Point. I've never been too impressed with the sunrise and sunset sillouetes though. Other great photo opps are Scotty's Castle, Badwater, Darwin Falls, and the Charcoal Kilns.

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