Re: A few points...

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Posted by Eric on May 23, 2002 at 12:14:18:

In Reply to: A few points... posted by hank jr on May 22, 2002 at 17:45:23:

These are some of the silliest arguments I've ever heard! Democrats cause pollution???

Smaller population states such as Alaska, Wyoming and Idaho don't elect Republicans because of their environmental record, they elect them because Republicans stand for reducing government and its control over our lives, and people who don't live in big cities tend to agree with that philosophy. That's why they are so conservative.

Then you claim that the reason that Northern California is in better shape environmentally is because it is "run by conservatives"? How about because LA has a lot more people and industry??? And your claim that most of the 10 million people in LA who have cars aren't Republican is irrelevant. Even if that's true, any area with 10 million people driving cars is going to be polluted, regardless of the political leanings of the drivers.

I am from Minnesota, as liberal a state as you'll find anywhere. We have the most liberal Senator in Congress (Paul Wellstone) and a good candidate for #2 (Mark Dayton). We haven't gone to a Republican candidate in a presidential election since 1972 - by far, the longest streak of any state. Yet our state is beautiful from one end to the other, and even our big cities (the Twin Cities) are in great shape. You need to overcome your oversimplification of issues if you really want to make any progress.

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