call to action

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Posted by Lara on May 18, 2002 at 02:25:35:

So, instead of just kibitzing about the ways of the SC and the influence on Boxer, how many are willing to do the extra bit and WRITE YOUR CONGRESS people, senators, etc. Let them know that the people are tired of the illegal road closures. Send them maps that show all of the areas that we can not go.

Try to make the point that wilderness is great, but leave those hundred-year-old roads alone so that we can visit the wilderness.

Invite those lovely ladies, Finestein and Boxer out to the desert, take them to a wilderness area and then tell them they have to hike in and carry enough water to survive. They are no spring chickens either.

Talking is great. Talking, hopefully, then, will spur people to action before it is too late.

I am writing these people. I have been talking to state senators and even county supes and bending their ears with a different view than just close it all up.

Speak up and let your voices be heard.

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