New Park Names
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Posted by Tumbleweed on May 15, 2002 at 08:15:06:
I have a (tongue-in-cheek) idea to help the NPS to get millions of dollars. Do the same thing the sports stadiums are doing. Have commercial names. You know, like Arco Arena, Bank One Ball Park, Enron Field, etc. They would be able to make millions off of this. Here's some of my suggestions for new names. Maybe you can add some. Palm Mortuary-Death Valley National Park RJ Reynolds-Great Smoky Mountains National Park Wonder Bra-Grand Tetons National Park Granite Construction-Mount Rushmore National Memorial Weyerhauser-Sequoia National Park Jack Danials-Whiskeytown National Recreation Area McDonald's-Arches National Park Oprah Winfrey-Mammoth Cave National Park Crystal Geyser Springwater-Yellowstone National Park Coors-Rocky Mountains National Park Viagra-Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
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