It has been fun - but it must stop!
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Posted by Joel Briggs on May 06, 2002 at 17:02:46:
I had no intention of responding back to any of the posts about my activates in the desert - but it has become necessary. First, Doug Billings is right - promises were made to past along information - and was never completed. The primary reason has to do with safety and his use of it. I am not going to past along field notes with out knowing that individual first and their capabilities. Dates - hmm, where to begin - lets just say I have never got a confirm date from him; in Sequoia, training with the NPS, etc. Doug, good luck and I hope you find what you're looking for.
I still stand behind my statement - one must be crazy for entering a mine. They are extremely dangerous and should never be entered with out a cause/purpose.
Secondly, Outlaw, I have no idea who you are and I am sorry you think I am ruining the desert "for the rest of us." The mere fact remains, I am very quiet about my activities in the desert, what I have found in it, and any on going research projects. If you received information otherwise, I would like to see it. Otherwise, lets end it.
Thirdly, for the person using my name - stop.
And lastly, this smearing campaign must stop. For it to stop here - one must step down and that is what exactly I will be doing. It is not fair for the rest of you to read such nonsense. This board is one of the finest on the net and it must stay that way - at any cost!
I bid all of you a farewell… and good exploring!
Joel Briggs
P.S. Randy, I am sorry for the posting and understand your concerns for the site.
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