Re: Anyone been up to Papoose flat ?

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Posted by Joel Briggs (The Real One) on May 01, 2002 at 09:19:30:

In Reply to: Anyone been up to Papoose flat ? posted by Tim on April 30, 2002 at 23:30:46:

Papoose Flats... awesome place. The road is in ok shape but does require a 4-wheel drive vehicle with some clearance. Be prepared to remove some falling rock on the road.

The amazing thing about this place - there are some areas with a very heavy concentration of scorpions - simply mind boggling. We pulled out a UV light one evening and counted about 100 or so scorpions around our campsite. The day we left, packing, we had scorpions hiding everywhere.

This is also a place of wonder, mythic legends, and a place to find one's self. I recommend that you do a lot of hiking here and keep the car back at camp. Any direction you go will be worth it. My favorite area is the road between Papoose and Squaw Flats - better to hike it than drive it. Much to see and do here. I could spend a year up there and not see everything.

Good luck and let us know how it went.

Joel Briggs

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