Re: DV Experiment

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Posted by DV Fan on April 07, 2002 at 13:11:25:

In Reply to: Re: DV Experiment posted by Steve on April 07, 2002 at 01:37:35:

If you can't control your vehicle, that's solely your problem...

Whenever you're cornering 4WD with lockers on you're spinning outer wheels, if you have central lock your rear wheels spin as well (they do not travel the same distance).

Recently I made the loop in my 4WD rig. Looks fine. I'll deposit $500 bucks in Panamint Springs.
You better do the same!
I'm trying it with 2WD in May - maybe early June.

500 bucks will pay my new tires.

If you can't drive 2WD you can't drive 4WD either, so go get some driving lessons...

If you have more than 500 to spend, I'll let you drive up and down the Lion's Back in Moab.
I bet you'll wet your pants...

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