Manly/Rogers escape routes
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Posted by Lara on April 05, 2002 at 20:49:15:
Ok, here are the camps as analyzed by the Johnsons in their book "Escape from Death Valley" 1987. There is a lot more detail in the book - this is just the bare basics to give you all an idea of where and when. I sure hope the spacing is ok. First Route out: Night of: Jan 15 Above Arrastre Spring, Panamint Range 16 Fish Canyon, Slate Range 17 Burro Canyon, Argus Range 18 Indian Wells Spring at Homestead, base of Owens Peak 19 Forlorn Hope Spring, Last Chance Canyon, El Paso Mountains 20 Near California City 21 Rainwater holes between Buckhorn and Rosamond Lakes, Edwards, AFB 23 Babbling brook, Soledad Canyon, 2 miles south of Acton 24 Soledad Canyon (Manly is lame) 25 4 miles east of the San Francisco ranch house 26 A miles of two west of the the ranch house 27 Mission San Fernando 28 Ranch house, Rancho San Francisco 29 Ranch house, Rancho San Francisco 30 San Francisquito Canyon (with road builders) ????? 31 East of Elizabeth Lake Going back: Feb 1 Rainwater holes between Buckhorn and Rosamond Lakes, Edwards AFB 2 Desert Spring (willow corral) near Cantil 3 At or east of Indian Wells Spring 4 Paxton Ranch (site) Indian Wells valley 5 Indian Joe (Providence) Spring, Argus Range 6 Northeast of Manly Pass, Slate Range 7 Redlands Spring in Redlands Canyon, Panamint Range 8 At or near Mesquite Well, Death Valley 9 on the 26th day Manly and Rogers arrived at Bennetts Well ( long camp) Death Valley. Taking families out: Feb. 10 Bennetts Well 11 4 or 5 miles south of Bennetts Well 12 Galena Canyon, Panamint Range 13 Arrastre Spring, Panamint Range 14 Redlands Spring in Redlands Canyon, Panamint Range 15 Fish Canyon, Slate Range 16 Lower Isham Canyon (at dogleg), Slate Range 17 Indian Joe (Providence) Spring, Argus Range 18 Junction of Sweetwater Creek and Moscow Canyon, Argus Range 19 Paxton Ranch (site) Indian Wells valley 20 Indian Wells valley 21 Indian Wells Spring at Homestead, base of Owens Peak 22 Southeast of Freeman Junction 23 Forlorn Hope Spring, Last Chance Canyon, El Paso Mountains 24 Small playa 2 miles southwest of Last Chance Canyon 25 Desert Spring (willow corral) near Cantil 26 Mojave Desert near California City 27 Rainwater holes between Buckhorn and Rosamond Lakes, Edwards AFB 28 Northeast of Palmdale Mar 1 Barrel Springs southeast of Palmdale 2 North of Soledad Pass ( snow line) 3 Babbling brook, Soledad Canyon, 2 miles south of Acton 4 Soledad Canyon 5 Soledad Canyon 6 7 or 8 miles from the ranch house 7 Rancho San Francisco
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