Re: Manly/Rogers' Route Over The Panamints

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Posted by Last Chance Rand on April 04, 2002 at 12:15:58:

In Reply to: Manly/Rogers' Route Over The Panimints posted by Jim on April 04, 2002 at 11:03:04:

Please let me preface this comment in that my words are merely my understanding -- I'm certainly not a scholar or historian. In fact, I'd much rather know what really happenned rather than be right in my guesses. Therefore, I offer my own understanding of this historical event in hopes that I may learn more, and be corrected, through the generous posts of others.

One can enter Butte Valley further north than Warm Springs Canyon. In looking at one interesting map (see link below) I see that the Manly-Rogers escape party may have ascended via Six Springs Canyon, which provides easy access to Butte Valley via Gold Hill. Assuming they remained along the northern slopes they would have been naturally led behind Striped Butte and down Redlands Canyon?

Also, yes it is my understanding that the party used Fish and Isham Canyons, at least partially, in their crossing of the Slate Range. The marked Escape Trail footpath leads southwest out of Fish Canyon at Brier's Silent Sepulchure to cross the pass, then down Isham.

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