Re: DV Experiment

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Posted by DV Fan on April 03, 2002 at 14:02:01:

In Reply to: Re: DV Experiment posted by Bill S on April 03, 2002 at 13:47:02:

What would you do if you'd blown your head gasket?
Would 4WD helped you out?

Before you attack me read my reply to Randy's post.

"Modern Japanese" SUV are usually more reliable than home made rigs, and what's most important, more environment friendly.

If you follow the Japs SUV, you won't found a single drop oil on DV ground, which is certainly not the case with highly modified 4WD rigs.

One single drop of oil can contaminate 50.000 galons of ground water.

So, on the end I wouldn't argue about a spin or two...

All clear?

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