Re: This is not good (SURPRISE CANYON)

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Posted by Muleskinner on March 11, 2002 at 21:40:05:

In Reply to: This is not good (SURPRISE CANYON) posted by Avalon on March 11, 2002 at 21:02:48:

Who ownes the mine at Panamint City? Or did it get swallowed up in DV Nat Park? I visited Panamint City up Surpruse Cyn several times back in the early 80`s and the mine was worked full time with propane cars going down and pulling the ore out. The owner of the mine flew a small private plane into the canyon and landed going up hill. They maintained the road up these water falls to haul the ore out and bring in supplies and equipment. They welcomed vistors. Kirk Barker introduced us to Jim and Norma Weston > residents up Happy Cyn. Happy was maintained by Jim > a little more diffcult than Surprise. What has happened? I must have been spending too much time in the Sierra`s. Why doesn`t a 4 wheel club buy the claim ( Panimant City ) or make a new one? I am planning a horse and mule pack trip up that way > before it gets too hot. ESPLAULA > as Kirk Barker at the Indian Ranch > I wrote "They say that it is mighty fine that it flows with quartz in line."

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