Thanks from Canada
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Posted by Bob Stonehouse on March 07, 2002 at 13:30:43:
I want to thank all those people who responded to my questions, especially Last Chance Rand, and to those who emailed me with advice. My finacee and I are looking forward to our honeymoon in October in DV. I just don't think five days will be nearly enough time to visit even half of the places we picked out. We are looking forward to using "Ruby" on the 4x4 trails. We've made reservations at Panamint and will use that as our base while in DV. The many posts on travelling in the valley and what to see makes us realize we'll have to return many times to see all the things we want. So hopefully we'll have a chance to see some of you. Just look for a Magenta 97 TJ with a black soft top and amateur radio licence plate VE6RLS. I'll be monitoring 146.520 unless someone advices otherwise, and will also have a CB and monitor Ch.9. See you all in October.
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