Mengle Pass E bound - how bad is it, really?

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Posted by The desert dryad on March 05, 2002 at 16:42:07:

Hi, all:

I've been curious about taking the Goler Wash - Mengle Pass - Butte Valley way into DV, for a
while, now, and with what info I've gleaned from various trip reports, I'm a bit hesitant, due to
Mengle Pass being in the way (darn it :) ).

I'm planning a DV trip for the end of April, and
there's high likelihood I'll be a lone vehicle.
I have a high clearance 4x4, and decent (BFG All Terrain) tires, but still I'm concerned...
sooo, how bad IS the route over the pass in that direction? Are there places to turn around,
if I scout it out and it makes me really uncomfortable? And if so, how near the actual
pass might I turn around? Is the other direction easier, should I be considering that?

Detailed comments much welcomed and appreciated...

-the desert dryad

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