Call me crazy -- the sequel

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Posted by Will C. on February 20, 2002 at 02:00:28:

First off, I wanna thank those who posted follow-ups encouraging me in my mad rush to experience Death Valley for my first time by camping solo at Mesquite Springs and biking around the place over Presidents Day weekend.

I'm still in awe of all that I found there: Ubehebe Crater! The Racetrack Playa! (and 27 miles of the worst road imaginable!) The Sand Dunes! Cotty's Castle. Salt Creek! Dante's View! Zabrieski Point! Didn't make it down to Badwater, but instead wandered the otherworldly salt beds between Furnace Creek and Salt Creek.

On the wildlife side, saw coyote and jackrabbit and roadrunner and raven and kangaroo rats galore. Not to mention pupfish and loads of cadisfly larvae in Salt Creek.

And the stars! Heck, I saw Saturn's rings with just a pair of binoculars. And the Milky Way with my naked eyes. Try that in Lost Angeles.

Stayed from Friday through Monday afternoon and didn't wanna leave, but the return to civilization was unavoidable. Already planning my next trip in May. Cannot wait!

Hope to have pix and video clips posted soon to my website, and strongly encourage anyone with an inkling to visit Death Valley to act on it -- be it solo or with a group. It is a wonderous and awe-inspiring place that is well worth taking the time and effort to experience.

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