Re: Several Hiking Questions

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Posted by Tami on February 15, 2002 at 16:53:59:

In Reply to: Several Hiking Questions posted by barb on February 14, 2002 at 19:21:48:

1. I think the best time to photograph the sanddunes is in the P.M. - just shoot where there are not tons of footprints.

2. Well, throw back a drink or two at the bar then head out past the campground into the dune area. Find a nice area to lay back and enjoy the evening sky and how you feel. Perhaps a coyote will pass by.

3. I've only driven it once, but PM is probably better.

4. Don't know.

5. If you haven't been to Chloride cliff, go. The view is awesome and there's a good chance you won't see anyone else.

6. We camped out Gold Valley one year and hiked out Willow Creek for quite a ways. Never saw a person, but did see some bighorn sheep.

Hope this helps, tami

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